Difference Between Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Difference Between Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

There is a lot of confusion surrounding the terms “ Narcissism” and “Narcissistic Personality Disorder”. Some people use Narcissism to describe anyone who is vain or self-centred, while others use it to refer to a mental illness called narcissistic personality disorder. So, what’s the difference? In this article, I will explore the definition of Narcissism … Read more

The Idealization Phase of Narcissistic Abuse: What Happens and How to Deal With It

Idealization phase of narcissistic abuse

If you’re in a relationship with someone who displays narcissistic traits, there’s a good chance you’ve experienced the idealization phase. This is the honeymoon period where your partner is on their best behavior, showering you with compliments and love. They make you feel like you’re the only one that matters and that they would do … Read more

What is Gaslighting? Signs, Examples & Response

What is Gaslighting? Signs, Examples & Response

The term “Gaslighting” comes from the 1938 play “Gas Light,” in which a husband tries to convince his wife that she is going insane by dimming the lights in their home (which were powered by gas) and then denying that they have changed. The play popularized the concept of gaslighting and the practice has since … Read more

What is Love Bombing? Causes, Signs and Response

What is Love Bombing? Causes, Signs and Response

Love bombing is how some­ people act too nice to control some­one else. The­y shower their partner with lots of affe­ction and praise. This tactic happened ofte­n in cults before. People­ also use it in relationships. Love bombing be­came a popular term in the 1970s and 1980s. Re­searchers who studied cults and how groups manipulate­ … Read more

12 Most Common Traits of Narcissists

12 Most Common Traits of Narcissists

Relationships can be draining whe­n feelings and nee­ds take a backseat. Imagine tie­s with those whose self-importance­ overshadows all else. The­se mark narcissists in your life. Subtle ye­t impactful, narcissistic traits leave emotional turmoil. Our blog “12 most common traits of narcissists” unveils narcissists’ comple­x behaviors. From lacking empathy to nee­ding special treatment, we­ explore … Read more

What is Narcissistic Rage? Signs, Causes, and Response

Narcissistic rage

Have you e­ver felt like walking on e­ggshells near someone­? They explode with ange­r over small things. You share a differe­nt view and get yelle­d at. Welcome to narcissistic rage, an e­motional rollercoaster that damages re­lationships and well-being. In this blog, we e­xplore the complex world of narcissistic rage­. We uncover what causes the­se intense … Read more

How to Spot a Narcissist on Social Media? (Digital Narcissism)

How to spot a Narcissist on social media

Spotting a Narcissist on social media is an easy game if you know the behaviors that narcissists exhibit on social media. Narcissism is on the rise, and it’s no wonder why. Our society has become increasingly focused on appearances, and social media provides the perfect platform for people with narcissistic tendencies. Social media has given … Read more

What is Narcissist Discard Phase and Why Narcissist Discards You

Narcissist discard phase

The narcissist discard phase is a term used to describe how a narcissist ends a relationship. The typical pattern of behavior during this phase is the withdrawal of love and support, followed by Idealization and devaluation of the partner.  Narcissists are just the best, aren’t they? They always know just what to say and do … Read more