What is Gaslighting? Signs, Examples & Response

What is Gaslighting? Signs, Examples & Response

The term “Gaslighting” comes from the 1938 play “Gas Light,” in which a husband tries to convince his wife that she is going insane by dimming the lights in their home (which were powered by gas) and then denying that they have changed. The play popularized the concept of gaslighting and the practice has since … Read more

What is Narcissist Discard Phase and Why Narcissist Discards You

Narcissist discard phase

The narcissist discard phase is a term used to describe how a narcissist ends a relationship. The typical pattern of behavior during this phase is the withdrawal of love and support, followed by Idealization and devaluation of the partner.  Narcissists are just the best, aren’t they? They always know just what to say and do … Read more

The Devaluation Phase of Narcissistic Abuse: What Narcissists do During this Phase

What is Devaluation phase of narcissistic abuse?

The devaluation phase of narcissistic abuse is one of the most confusing and painful experiences that a person can go through. This is the second stage where the narcissist begins to tear down their victim, often using tactics like verbal abuse, humiliation, and isolation. So what exactly happens during this phase? And how can you … Read more