Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Narcissists in the Dating World

How to avoid narcissists in dating. A guide

Do toxic partners often ensnare­ you? Imagine confidently navigating dating, spotting narcissists early. This guide­ empowers you to prioritize he­althy connections, understand red flags, and side­step manipulation. In this blog post, I will provide you to ultimate guide how to avoid narcissists in dating. We delve­ into techniques safeguarding e­motional well-being. By recognizing narcissistic be­haviors, … Read more

The Narcissist’s Army: Understanding the Different Types of Flying Monkeys

Different Types of Flying Monkeys

Narcissistic abuse is a form of psychological manipulation and control that occurs in relationships where one person has narcissistic traits or a narcissistic personality disorder. It involves tactics such as gaslighting, manipulation, and emotional abuse, which are used to gain power and control over the victim. The Narcissist’s Army refers to the group of individuals … Read more

The Truth About Flying Monkeys: Are They Just Narcissists in Disguise?

the truth behind flying monkeys

Flying monkeys, in the context of narcissistic abuse, refer to individuals who act as enablers and supporters of the narcissist. They willingly or unknowingly participate in the manipulation and gaslighting tactics employed by the narcissist, further perpetuating the cycle of abuse. Understanding their role is crucial for victims of narcissistic abuse as it helps them … Read more

What is Narcissistic Friendship? Warning Signs & How To Deal

What is Narcissistic Friendsship

Have you ever felt drained, undervalued, or constantly on edge around a particular friend? It might not just be a rough patch in your friendship; you could be dealing with a narcissistic friend. Recognizing and breaking free from such narcissistic friendships can be challenging but incredibly liberating. In today’s fast-paced world, where social connections can … Read more

What is Narcissistic Abuse?

What is Narcissistic Abuse?

Presented by BetterHelp. Narcissistic abuse is a destructive form of mistreatment that’s rooted in narcissistic behaviors. While we’re all capable of causing harm when we’re angry, narcissists take abuse to another level. And while not everyone with narcissistic traits is abusive, those who are can do tremendous emotional, psychological and even physical harm to others. … Read more

How Dating a Narcissist Changes You

How Dating a Narcissist Changes You

Presented by BetterHelp Dating in the modern world is a lot like navigating a complex maze of emotions, trying to find that perfect match. But what happens when you stumble on someone who seems too good to be true? Someone who makes you feel like the center of their universe – but then you realize … Read more

Feeling Lonely in a Relationship

Many of us have felt the strange sensation of loneliness even when we are not alone. This feeling often comes not because we don’t have people around us, but because the connections we have aren’t giving us what we truly need. We all look for relationships where we are understood, appreciated, and genuinely connected with … Read more