Spotting a Narcissist on social media is an easy game if you know the behaviors that narcissists exhibit on social media. Narcissism is on the rise, and it’s no wonder why. Our society has become increasingly focused on appearances, and social media provides the perfect platform for people with narcissistic tendencies.
Social media has given rise to a new breed of narcissists. With the ability to share every thought, feeling, and photo with the click of a button, it’s no wonder that some people have difficulty distinguishing between what should be private and what is public. As a result, many people find themselves the victim of oversharing, unsolicited advice, and constant “likes” and “shares.”
It can be difficult to tell if someone you know is a narcissist, but there are certain signs to look out for. In this blog post, I will discuss, What is digital Narcissism? Why social media create narcissistic behaviors? Do narcissism and social media addiction go hand-in-hand? 5 ways to spot a narcissist on social media. Narcissists’ social media favorite games. How do you expose a narcissist on social media? I will also provide tips on how to protect yourself from manipulative behavior.
What is Digital Narcissism?
Digital narcissism is the excessive use of social media to portray oneself in a favorable light. Narcissists often post pictures of themselves, their children, or their pets in order to get attention and admiration from others. They also like to share articles and links that reflect positively on them or their interests.
If you’re not careful, you can easily fall into the trap of supporting a digital narcissist’s ego by liking and commenting on their posts. This only encourages them to keep posting more self-promoting content.
The 6 signs of a Narcissist on social media
You can spot narcissists on social media by recognizing the following signs:
1. Narcissists post a lot of selfies.

People who post a lot of selfies are often narcissists who crave attention and validation. They use selfies as a way to get people to pay attention to them, and they often have an excessive need for approval. If you notice that someone you know is always posting selfies, there is a good chance that they are a narcissist.
2. They only post about positive things.
Narcissists typically only post about positive things, because they don’t want people to see the negative aspects of their lives. They want others to see them as perfect and flawless, and they will go to great lengths to hide their flaws. If you notice that someone’s social media profile is full of only positive posts, there is a good chance that they are a narcissist.
3. They have a lot of followers but few friends.
Narcissists often have a high number of followers on social media, but they usually don’t have many real-life friends. This is because narcissists are often very insecure and they need lots of attention from others in order to feel validated. If you notice that someone has a lot of followers but few friends, there is a good chance that they are a narcissist.
4. Their posts are often self-promoting.
Narcissists love to talk about themselves, and their social media posts are often filled with self-promoting content. They love to brag about their accomplishments and share photos and videos of themselves doing interesting things. If you notice that someone’s posts are always self-promoting, there is a good chance that they are a narcissist.
5. Posts that are unoriginal or lack substance
One way to tell if a social media post is from a narcissist is to look for signs that it is unoriginal or lacks substance. Narcissists often post the same types of content over and over again, sometimes even using the same photos and captions. If a post seems like it was quickly thrown together or doesn’t offer any new information, it’s likely from a narcissist.
6. Defensive or angry reactions to criticism
Narcissists often react defensively to any criticism posted on their social media pages. They may lash out at the person who criticized them, or they may try to discredit the critic’s opinion.
Narcissists’ Self-promoting posts examples on social media
Here are a few examples of self-promoting posts that narcissists might share on social media:
1. “I just got promoted! I’m the best at my job.”
2. “I just won an award! This is proof that I’m the best.”
3. “I just bought a new car! It’s the best one on the market.”
4. “I just moved into a new house! It’s the best one in the neighborhood.”
5. Their posts are designed to evoke envy in others.
Many narcissists enjoy posting content that will make others envious of them. They love to brag about their wealth, possessions, or accomplishments, and they enjoy making others feel inferior by comparison. If you notice that someone’s posts often make you feel jealous, there is a good chance that they are a narcissist.
Evoke envy example
For example, a narcissist might post a picture of a luxury car they just bought and caption it with something like “the best thing about being rich is being able to afford cars like this”. This would be designed to make others envious of their wealth.
Why does social media create narcissistic behaviors?
There are a few reasons why social media creates narcissistic behaviors. First, social media provides a platform for people to showcase their accomplishments and positive aspects of their lives. This can be a breeding ground for narcissists, who are often obsessed with portraying a perfect image to the world.
Research published in “The Open Psychology Journal” Found that young adults who use social media platforms frequently are prone to narcissism
Additionally, social media allows people to connect with others instantaneously, which can fuel narcissistic desires for attention and validation. Finally, the anonymity of social media can provide a safe space for narcissists to act out their manipulative behavior without fear of being judged.
Do narcissism and social media addiction go hand-in-hand?
There is no definitive answer to this question, but there is some evidence to suggest that there may be a link between narcissism and social media addiction. A study conducted showed that people with narcissistic tendencies were more likely to abuse social media platforms.
Narcissists’ social media favorite games
There are a few games that narcissists often play on social media. Here are a few of them:
1. The comparison game.
The comparison game is one of the most common games narcissists play on social media. They compare themselves to others in order to make themselves look better. For example, they might post a picture of themselves with a caption like “I’m way better looking than that guy”.
2. The pity party game.
The pity party game is another common game narcissists play on social media. They act like they are the victim of the world and they beg for people’s sympathy. For example, they might post a status saying “life is so hard, why does God hate me?”
3. The superiority game.
The superiority game is another popular game narcissists play on social media. They pretend to be better than everyone else and they act like they are above everyone else. For example, they might post a picture of themselves with a caption like “I’m smarter and more talented than anyone else.”
How do you expose a narcissist on social media?
If you suspect that someone you know is a narcissist, there are a few things you can do to expose them on social media.
1. Compare their social media posts to their real-life behavior.
One of the best ways to expose a narcissist is to compare their social media posts to their real-life behavior. If their posts are full of bragging and self-promotion, but they are rude and dismissive when you talk to them in person, then there is a good chance that they are a narcissist.
2. Look for signs of insecurity.
Narcissists are often very insecure, and you can often spot this insecurity in their social media posts. For example, if they post a lot of photos and videos of themselves where they are looking for validation from others, or if they post content that is designed to make others feel inferior, then there is a good chance that they are insecure.
3. Check for signs of manipulation.
Narcissists often use social media to manipulate others into doing what they want. For example, they might post something like “I’m so sad, will someone please comfort me?” in order to get people to respond to them. If you notice signs of manipulation in someone’s social media posts, there is a good chance that they are a narcissist.
4 Narcissists use social media to live fake lives
Narcissists often use social media to create a false persona that is different from their true selves. They might post pictures of themselves that are not true to who they are, or they might post content that is designed to make themselves look better than they really are.
If you notice that someone’s social media posts are not consistent with who they are in real life, there is a good chance that they are a narcissist.
How to protect yourself from narcissistic behavior on social media
If you are concerned about narcissistic behavior on social media, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself.
1. Don’t friend or follow anyone you don’t know in real life.
When it comes to protecting yourself from narcissistic behavior on social media, one of the best things you can do is to be only friends or follow people you know in real life. This will help you to avoid falling victim to their manipulative tactics.
2. Limit the amount of personal information you share online.
- Don’t share your full name
- Don’t share your address
- Don’t share your phone number
- Don’t share your email address
3. Avoid getting sucked into their games.
The best way to protect yourself from narcissistic behavior is to avoid getting sucked into their games. Don’t respond to their posts, and don’t engage with them in any way. If you ignore them, they will eventually get bored and move on.
4. Don’t hesitate to unfriend or unfollow anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable
If you find that someone’s social media posts are making you feel uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to unfriend or unfollow them. Remember, it is important to protect yourself from narcissistic behavior online, and the best way to do that is to surround yourself with people who make you feel good.
By exercising caution and using good judgment, you can avoid the negative effects of narcissism on social media.
Last words
The games narcissists play on social media are easy to spot if you know what to look for. By understanding the signs of narcissistic behavior, you can protect yourself from these predators and hold them accountable for their actions.
It’s time we put an end to the online abuse caused by narcissists and start holding them responsible for their harmful behavior. Have you ever been targeted by a narcissist on social media? What tactics did they use? Share your story in the comments below.