8 Reasons a Narcissist Will Come Back After Discarding You

8 Reasons a Narcissist Will Come Back After Discarding You

It can be confusing and disorienting when a narcissist discards you, seemingly out of nowhere. You may have been in a relationship with them for months or even years, and suddenly they pull the rug out from under you, leaving you feeling abandoned and betrayed. But sometimes, even after the discard, the narcissist will try … Read more

Why Narcissists Discard Their Victims: Exploring the Motives

Why Do Narcissists Discard You?

Narcissism is a personality disorder that is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, and a deep need for admiration and attention. Those who have NPD tend to see themselves as superior to others and often struggle to form meaningful relationships. One of the most common behaviors of someone … Read more

Is Narcissism in Your Genes? Exploring the Science Behind Personality Traits

Heritability of Narcissism Exploring the Heritability of Narcissism: What Science Tells Us

The purpose of this blog post is to examine the research that has been conducted on the heritability of narcissism and to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge on the topic. We will explore both the evidence for and against the heritability of narcissism, as well as the role of environmental factors … Read more

How to Recognize a Narcissistic Relationship and Leave

Warning Signs of Narcissistic Relationships: Knowing When to Leave

Narcissistic relationship is often characterized by a pattern of behavior that includes an excessive focus on the self, a lack of empathy for others, and a need for admiration and attention. Individuals who are in narcissistic relationships often feel trapped and helpless, as their partner’s behavior can be both confusing and hurtful. In this article, … Read more

9 Powerful Examples of Gaslighting in Narcissistic Relationships 

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser manipulates the victim into doubting their own perception of reality. It is a common tactic used in narcissistic relationships, where one partner seeks to control and dominate the other for their own gain. In this blog post, we will explore 10 powerful examples of gaslighting in narcissistic relationships. But first, let's define what we mean by narcissistic relationships. Narcissistic relationships are characterized by one partner who has an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. This partner may manipulate, exploit, and abuse their partner to maintain control and power over them. Understanding gaslighting in narcissistic relationships is crucial for identifying and addressing the abuse. Gaslighting can take many different forms, and it often goes unrecognized by the victim until it has caused significant damage to their mental health and well-being. Accusing the Victim of Being Crazy One of the most common forms of gaslighting is accusing the victim of being crazy or mentally unstable. The narcissistic partner will suggest that the victim is overreacting or exaggerating the situation, leading the victim to doubt their own sanity. This can cause significant harm to the victim's mental health, as they begin to question their own ability to perceive reality accurately. Denying the Victim's Reality Another form of gaslighting is denying the victim's reality. The narcissistic partner may suggest that the victim's perception of events is incorrect, leading the victim to doubt their own memory and perception of reality. This can be particularly harmful in situations where the victim is being abused or mistreated, as it can cause them to question their own experiences and ignore warning signs of danger. Creating Doubt in the Victim's Mind Gaslighting can also involve creating doubt in the victim's mind. The narcissistic partner may suggest that the victim is remembering things incorrectly or that they are mistaken about certain details. This can cause the victim to question their own memory and perception of events, leading to a loss of confidence and self-esteem. Twisting the Truth Narcissistic partners may also use gaslighting to twist the truth in their favor. They may lie or exaggerate events to make themselves look better and discredit the victim. This can be particularly harmful to the victim's reputation and relationships, as they may be accused of lying or exaggerating events themselves. Using Emotional Blackmail Emotional blackmail is another common tactic used in gaslighting. The narcissistic partner may use guilt or shame to control the victim's behavior, leading the victim to feel responsible for the abuser's emotional state. This can cause significant harm to the victim's mental health, as they may begin to believe that they are responsible for the abuser's behavior. Gaslighting Through Projection Projection is another form of gaslighting that involves the narcissistic partner projecting their own behavior onto the victim. They may accuse the victim of doing things that they are actually doing themselves, leading the victim to doubt their own sense of self-worth and identity. Making the Victim Doubt Their Own Abilities Narcissistic partners may also use gaslighting to make the victim doubt their own abilities. They may criticize the victim's work or accomplishments, suggesting that they are not good enough or capable enough to succeed. This can cause significant harm to the victim's self-confidence and self-efficacy, leading them to feel inadequate and powerless. Using Intimidation Tactics Intimidation tactics are another common form of gaslighting used in narcissistic relationships. The narcissistic partner may use threats or intimidation to control the victim's behavior, leading the victim to feel unsafe or threatened. This keep writing can cause significant harm to the victim's mental health and well-being, as they may feel trapped and unable to escape the abusive situation. Invalidating the Victim's Emotions Invalidating the victim's emotions is another form of gaslighting used in narcissistic relationships. The narcissistic partner may suggest that the victim's feelings are wrong or irrational, leading the victim to doubt their own emotions and experience of the situation. This can cause significant harm to the victim's mental health, as they may struggle to express themselves and feel invalidated in their emotions. Gaslighting Through Isolation Finally, gaslighting can also occur through isolation. The narcissistic partner may isolate the victim from friends and family, suggesting that these individuals are not good for the victim and leading the victim to feel isolated and alone. This can make the victim more vulnerable to gaslighting tactics, as they may have fewer external sources of support and validation. Conclusion Gaslighting is a dangerous and damaging form of emotional abuse that is often used in narcissistic relationships. It can take many different forms, and it often goes unrecognized by the victim until significant harm has been done to their mental health and well-being. Understanding the signs and examples of gaslighting is crucial for identifying and addressing the abuse, and seeking support from a therapist or support group can be an important step in healing from the trauma of gaslighting. If you or someone you know is experiencing gaslighting in a narcissistic relationship, it is important to seek help and support. There are resources available, such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the National Alliance on Mental Illness, that can provide information and support for those experiencing emotional abuse. Remember, you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and you do not have to suffer alone.

Gaslighting is a form of еmotional abusе whеrе thе abusеr manipulatеs thе victim into doubting thеir own pеrcеption of rеality. It is a common tactic usеd in narcissistic rеlationships, whеrе onе partnеr sееks to control and dominatе thе othеr for thеir own gain. In this blog post, wе will еxplorе 9 powеrful еxamplеs of gaslighting in narcissistic rеlationships.

But first, lеt’s dеfinе what wе mеan by narcissistic rеlationships. Narcissistic rеlationships arе charactеrizеd by onе partnеr who has an inflatеd sеnsе of sеlf-importancе, a constant nееd for admiration, and a lack of еmpathy for othеrs. This partnеr may manipulatе, еxploit, and abusе thеir partnеr to maintain control and powеr ovеr thеm.

Undеrstanding gaslighting in narcissistic rеlationships is crucial for idеntifying and addrеssing thе abusе. Gaslighting can takе many diffеrеnt forms, and it oftеn goеs unrеcognizеd by thе victim until it has causеd significant damagе to thеir mеntal hеalth and wеll-bеing.

9 Examples of Gaslighting

Here are some power examples of gaslighting in narcissistic relationships

1. Accusing the Victim of Being Crazy

One of the most common examples of gaslighting is accusing the victim of being crazy or mentally unstable. The narcissistic partner will suggest that the victim is overreacting or exaggerating the situation, leading the victim to doubt their own sanity. This can cause significant harm to the victim’s mental health, as they begin to question their own ability to perceive reality accurately.

2. Denying the Victim’s Reality

Another form of gaslighting is denying the victim’s reality. The narcissistic partner may suggest that the victim’s perception of events is incorrect, leading the victim to doubt their own memory and perception of reality. This can be particularly harmful in situations where the victim is being abused or mistreated, as it can cause them to question their own experiences and ignore warning signs of danger.

3. Creating Doubt in the Victim’s Mind

Gaslighting can also involve creating doubt in the victim’s mind. The narcissistic partner may suggest that the victim is remembering things incorrectly or that they are mistaken about certain details. This can cause the victim to question their own memory and perception of events, leading to a loss of confidence and self-esteem.

4. Twisting the Truth

Narcissistic partners may also use gaslighting to twist the truth in their favor. They may lie or exaggerate events to make themselves look better and discredit the victim. This can be particularly harmful to the victim’s reputation and relationships, as they may be accused of lying or exaggerating events themselves.

5. Using Emotional Blackmail

Emotional blackmail is another common tactic used in gaslighting. The narcissistic partner may use guilt or shame to control the victim’s behavior, leading the victim to feel responsible for the abuser’s emotional state. This can cause significant harm to the victim’s mental health, as they may begin to believe that they are responsible for the abuser’s behavior.

5. Gaslighting Through Projection

Projection is another form of gaslighting that involves the narcissistic partner projecting their own behavior onto the victim. They may accuse the victim of doing things that they are actually doing themselves, leading the victim to doubt their own sense of self-worth and identity.

6. Making the Victim Doubt Their Own Abilities

Narcissistic partners may also use gaslighting to make the victim doubt their own abilities. They may criticize the victim’s work or accomplishments, suggesting that they are not good enough or capable enough to succeed. This can cause significant harm to the victim’s self-confidence and self-efficacy, leading them to feel inadequate and powerless.

7. Using Intimidation Tactics

Intimidation tactics are another common form of gaslighting used in narcissistic relationships. The narcissistic partner may use threats or intimidation to control the victim’s behavior, leading the victim to feel unsafe or threatened. This

can cause significant harm to the victim’s mental health and well-being, as they may feel trapped and unable to escape the abusive situation.

8. Invalidating the Victim’s Emotions

Invalidating the victim’s emotions is another example of gaslighting used in narcissistic relationships. The narcissistic partner may suggest that the victim’s feelings are wrong or irrational, leading the victim to doubt their own emotions and experience of the situation. This can cause significant harm to the victim’s mental health, as they may struggle to express themselves and feel invalidated in their emotions.

9. Gaslighting Through Isolation

Finally, gaslighting can also occur through isolation. The narcissistic partner may isolate the victim from friends and family, suggesting that these individuals are not good for the victim and leading the victim to feel isolated and alone. This can make the victim more vulnerable to gaslighting tactics, as they may have fewer external sources of support and validation.


Gaslighting is a dangerous and damaging form of emotional abuse that is often used in narcissistic relationships. It can take many different forms, and it often goes unrecognized by the victim until significant harm has been done to their mental health and well-being. Understanding the signs and examples of gaslighting is crucial for identifying and addressing the abuse, and seeking support from a therapist or support group can be an important step in healing from the trauma of gaslighting.

If you or someone you know is experiencing gaslighting in a narcissistic relationship, it is important to seek help and support. There are resources available, such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the National Alliance on Mental Illness, that can provide information and support for those experiencing emotional abuse. Remember, you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and you do not have to suffer alone.

Why Gaslighting Works: A Psychological Analysis

Why Gaslighting is So Effective: Unpacking the Psychological Mechanisms at Play

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can be difficult to recognize but can have devastating effects on a person’s sense of self and reality. In this blog post, we’ll define gaslighting, explore its effectiveness, and examine the impact it has on victims. We’ll also delve into the various tactics used by gaslighters, the … Read more

Know Everything About Narcissistic Sibling, Causes, Signs and How to Deal

What is a Narcissistic sibling. Sigs, causes

Narcissistic sibling relationships can be a source of immense emotional pain and distress for those who experience them. When one sibling displays traits of narcissism, such as an inflated sense of self-importance and a lack of empathy, it can create a toxic dynamic within the family. This can result in the affected individual feeling powerless, … Read more

How Vulnerable and Grandiose Narcissists React Differently to Psychosocial Stress Research shows

Vulnerable & grandiose narcissists differ in stress response.

New research published in Frontiers in Psychology sheds light on the different physiological reactions exhibited by vulnerable and grandiose narcissists when exposed to social stress. The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Turku and the Institute for Mind and Biology at The University of Chicago, aimed to understand the biological factors underlying personality … Read more

Understanding Narcissistic Mothers: Signs and Traits

Understanding Narcissistic Mothers: Signs and Traits

In this blog post, we will explore the topic of narcissistic mothers, a parent who has a narcissistic personality disorder or displays patterns of self-centeredness, entitlement, and lack of empathy. Living with a narcissistic mother can be emotionally draining and have a lasting impact on a child’s mental health and well-being. We will discuss the … Read more

Understanding the Link between Codependency and Narcissism

Codependency and narcissism are two terms that have been used quite frequently in recent years to describe different patterns of behavior in relationships. Codependency is a term that was originally used to describe the behavior of individuals who were in relationships with alcoholics or drug addicts. Over time, the term has been expanded to include … Read more