If you have a narcissistic mother, you know just how difficult it can be to navigate her unpredictable and often toxic behavior. From the constant criticism and negativity to the emotional manipulation and gaslighting, it can be overwhelming and exhausting to try to maintain a healthy relationship with her. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best narcissistic mother quotes to help you understand the impact of her behavior and to remind you that you’re not alone.
These narcissistic mother quotes capture the essence of what it’s like to grow up with a narcissistic mother, and they provide insight and inspiration for those who are struggling to heal from the wounds of their childhood. So read on to discover the best narcissistic mother quotes and to gain a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics at play in your relationship with your mother.
Narcissistic mother Quotes
Here are best narcissistic mother quotes:
1. “A narcissistic mother sees her child not as a unique individual, but as an extension of herself.” – Karyl McBride

2. “Narcissistic parents demand loyalty and devotion from their children, often at the expense of their children’s own needs and desires.” – Julie L. Hall
3. “Growing up with a narcissistic mother can leave you feeling like you’re never good enough, no matter what you do.” – Shahida Arabi
4. “Narcissistic mothers often use guilt and shame to manipulate their children, making it difficult for them to set healthy boundaries.” – Lindsay C. Gibson
5. “Narcissistic parents view their children as objects to be controlled, rather than individuals with their own thoughts and feelings.” – Ramani Durvasula

6. “My mother emotionally, physically and mentally abused me in ways that will forever impact me. She gave me breast and vaginal exams until I was seventeen years old. These “exams” made my body stiff with discomfort. I felt violated, yet I had no voice, no ability to express that.” -― Jennette McCurdy, I’m Glad My Mom Died
7. “If a mother has an unhealthy need to dominate her children-which she demonstrates by bullying, terrifying, neglecting, suffocating, indulging, humiliating, overprotecting or abusing them- those children must come to the recognition that such treatment is wrong in order to begin the long process of recovery and ultimate understanding.” -― Victoria Secunda, When You and Your Mother Can’t Be Friends: Resolving the Most Complicated Relationship of Your Life
8. “Just because your mother gave birth to you doesn’t mean they are capable of caring for you. Just because a woman had a child doesn’t necessarily equate to being safe, respectful, or healthy. NOT ALL MOTHERS CAN LOVE.” ― Dana Arcuri, Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, Soul Rescue: How to Break Free From Narcissistic Abuse & Heal Trauma

9. “If you were raised as child by a narcissistic mom, you may have spent a lifetime being mistreated and shamed for things that you never did. Toxic shame is a result of being told you are not enough. You may feel worthless and unlovable.” ― Dana Arcuri, Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, Soul Rescue: How to Break Free From Narcissistic Abuse & Heal Trauma
10. “To have the children behave in a pleasing manner, the narcissistic mothers use conditional love and fear, sending the message the kids will be shunned and the love taken away it they step out of line.” ― Diana Macey, Narcissistic Mothers and Covert Emotional Abuse: For Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents
11. “Somehow I believed it was my obligation to try to do the right thing by her because she had given birth to me.” ― D.G. Kaye
12. “An unloving mother robs the child of a sense of belonging. The need to belong can become a lifelong quest for him or her.” ― Peg Streep
13. “Loneliness is a form of narcissism. A mother who is in harmony with her child, who understands her place in her child’s life and her role in society, is never lonely. Through caring for her child, all her needs are fulfilled.” — Jessamine Chan

14. “I was worthy of her love whether she gave it to me or not. Every child is worthy of love.” ― Richard Paul Evans
15. “Dysfunctional parents do not apologize. It is one feature that the children of narcissists would instantly agree on. They will lie and justify themselves, but never accept they did anything wrong.” ― Diana Macey
16. “Most narcissistic mothers see motherhood as a burden and like to let it be known how much work it is.” — Michelle Piper
17. “Narcissistic mothers will often use their children as a way to compete with other parents, trying to prove that they are the best.”
18. “The gaslighting and manipulation from a narcissistic mother can make it difficult for her children to trust their own reality and perceptions.”
19. “Growing up with a narcissistic mother can make it difficult to form a healthy sense of identity, as you are constantly told who you should be.”

20. “Narcissistic mothers will often use their children to fulfill their own unmet emotional needs, rather than providing them with the support they need.”
21. “The lack of stability and consistency from a narcissistic mother can make it difficult for her children to feel secure and grounded.”
23. “Narcissistic mothers will often use their children as emotional punching bags, taking out their own frustrations on them.”
24. “Growing up with a narcissistic mother can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection, as you are not able to connect with her on a meaningful level.”
25. “Narcissistic mothers will often use their children’s accomplishments as a way to enhance their own reputation and status.”

26. “Narcissistic mothers will often use their children to extract sympathy and attention from others, rather than valuing them as individuals.”
27. “Growing up with a narcissistic mother can make it difficult to express your true self and interests, as you are often expected to fulfill her needs first.”
28. “Narcissistic mothers will often use their children to project an image of themselves as the perfect mother or caregiver.”
29. “The constant criticism and negativity from a narcissistic mother can wear down her children’s self-esteem over time.”
30. “Narcissistic mothers will often use their children as scapegoats for their own failures and shortcomings.”
31. “Growing up with a narcissistic mother can make it difficult to establish boundaries in other relationships, as you are used to having none with her.”
32. “Narcissistic mothers will often use their children’s vulnerabilities as a way to control and manipulate them.”
33. “The invalidation of a narcissistic mother can make it difficult for her children to trust their own instincts and make decisions for themselves.”

34. “Narcissistic mothers will often pit their children against each other, causing ongoing strife and tension within the family.”
35. “Narcissistic mothers will often use their children to bolster their own sense of importance and power, making them feel like pawns in a larger game.”
36. “The emotional rollercoaster of a narcissistic mother’s behavior can leave her children feeling confused and unsure of what to expect.”
37. “Narcissistic mothers will often deny their children the right to their own emotions and feelings, belittling or dismissing them when they express th
38. “Growing up with a narcissistic mother can lead to feelings of guilt and shame, as though you are responsible for her behavior.”
39. “The lack of emotional support from a narcissistic mother can make it difficult for her children to form healthy relationships and attachments later in life.”
40. “Narcissistic mothers will often use their children as a way to gain attention and admiration from others, rather than valuing them for who they are.”
41. “Narcissistic mothers will often use money and gifts as a way to control their children, rather than giving them genuine love and support.”
42. “The unpredictability of a narcissistic mother’s moods and behavior can be a constant source of stress and anxiety for her children.”
43. “Narcissistic mothers will often prioritize their own needs and desires over those of their children, even when it comes to basic necessities like food and shelter.”

44. “Narcissistic mothers will often try to undermine their children’s accomplishments, making it difficult for them to feel proud of their achievements.”
45. “The emotional manipulation and gaslighting from a narcissistic mother can make it difficult for a child to trust their own thoughts and feelings.”
46. “A narcissistic mother will rarely apologize or take responsibility for her own mistakes, instead blaming others for her problems.”
47. “Growing up with a narcissistic mother can leave you feeling like you are never enough, no matter what you do.”
Toxic Narcissistic Mothers Quotes
- “Growing up with a toxic, narcissistic mother is like being in a constant emotional war zone.”
- “A narcissistic mother doesn’t love her child, she loves the power and control she has over them.”
- “Toxic narcissistic mothers will go to great lengths to maintain their image, even if it means sacrificing their children’s well-being.”
- “The damage done by a toxic narcissistic mother is not just emotional, it can also be physical and long-lasting.”
- “Toxic narcissistic mothers will use their children as pawns in their power games, without any regard for their feelings or needs.”
- “A toxic narcissistic mother will never accept responsibility for her own mistakes, instead shifting the blame onto her child.”
- “Growing up with a toxic narcissistic mother can leave you feeling like you are never enough, no matter what you do.”
- “Toxic narcissistic mothers will often isolate their children from others, making it difficult for them to form healthy relationships.”
- “The scars left by a toxic narcissistic mother may not be visible, but they can run deep and affect every aspect of a person’s life.”
- “A toxic narcissistic mother can leave her child with a distorted sense of self, making it difficult for them to trust their own thoughts and feelings.”
- “Toxic narcissistic mothers can be charming and charismatic in public, while behind closed doors, they are controlling and abusive.”
- “The emotional manipulation and abuse from a toxic narcissistic mother can cause long-term damage to a person’s mental health.”
- “A toxic narcissistic mother will use guilt and shame to control her child, making it difficult for them to establish healthy boundaries.”
- “Growing up with a toxic narcissistic mother can leave you feeling like you are constantly walking on eggshells, never knowing when the next outburst will come.”
- “A toxic narcissistic mother will often use her child as a reflection of her own success, rather than valuing them for who they are as an individual.”
- “The constant gaslighting from a toxic narcissistic mother can make a child question their own sanity.”
- “A toxic narcissistic mother will often undermine her child’s accomplishments, making it difficult for them to feel confident and proud of their achievements.”
- “Growing up with a toxic narcissistic mother can leave you feeling like you are alone in the world, without anyone to turn to for support.”
- “A toxic narcissistic mother will often use money and gifts as a way to manipulate her child, rather than giving them genuine love and support.”
- “The first step to healing from a toxic narcissistic mother is to recognize that the abuse was not your fault, and that you deserve better.
Last words
As we come to the end of our journey exploring the best narcissistic mother quotes, we hope that these powerful words have provided you with insight, comfort, and validation. Growing up with a narcissistic mother can be incredibly difficult, but it’s important to remember that you are not alone.
These quotes about narcissistic mothers remind us that we are not responsible for our mother’s behavior, and that we have the right to our own emotions, thoughts, and feelings. They also remind us that healing is possible, and that we can break free from the cycle of abuse and dysfunction.
So if you’re struggling with a narcissistic mother, remember these words of wisdom, and know that you have the strength and resilience to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. We hope that these quotes have helped you on your journey towards healing and self-discovery.