Are you dealing with someone who constantly seeks admiration, belittles others, and thinks they’re always right? Beware, they may be a grandiose narcissist. But fear not, we’ve got the top 10 signs to watch out for and expert tips on how to handle them.
Grandiose narcissism is a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, seeking attention and admiration from others without any genuine care for their feelings. It can be seen in friendships, families, relationships and workplaces; however those with severe cases often struggle within society as these traits tend to conflict with the rules of social engagement.
If you are unsure if someone close to you is suffering from grandiose narcissism or have had experiences dealing with this type of personality disorder, then read ahead.
This blog post will explore what exactly grandiose narcissism is and provide 10 key signs along with advice on how to handle them appropriately. So get ready to dive into the world of grandiosity and its implications on both those affected by it and those surrounding them.
What is Grandiose Narcissism?
Grandiose Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance and a need for admiration. People with this trait tend to overestimate their abilities, often creating unrealistic goals or expectations for themselves.
They also tend to engage in grandiose fantasies, believing they possess special powers and are uniquely talented. Grandiose Narcissism is closely related to entitlement, where people feel deserving of privileges regardless of their qualifications or accomplishments.
Unlike those who struggle with vulnerability-based narcissism, individuals with grandiose narcissism are usually outgoing and charming.
Grandiose Narcissists may use these traits to manipulate others into meeting their needs or granting them favors. They can also be highly competitive and boastful about their achievements and possessions. Despite being outwardly confident, insecurity can drive many acts of grandiosity as people with this trait attempt to gain validation from others and prove their worthiness.
How is Grandiose Narcissism Different from Other Forms of Narcissism?
Grandiose narcissism is the more assertive and extroverted form of narcissism. People with grandiose narcissism tend to have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, believe they are superior to others, and crave attention and admiration. They may also be manipulative and lack empathy for others.
On the other hand, vulnerable narcissism is characterized by feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, and a need for constant reassurance from others. People with vulnerable narcissism may appear shy or introverted but still have an inflated sense of self-importance.
Signs of Grandiose Narcissist

Here are 10 signs of a Grandiose narcissist:
1. Superior attitude
Grandiose narcissists display an air of superiority and arrogance, believing that they are better than others and deserve special treatment. They may often talk down to people or belittle them as a way of asserting their dominance.
2. Self-centeredness
Grandiose narcissists are so focused on themselves and their own needs that they have little empathy for other people’s feelings or experiences. They may interrupt conversations to make it about themselves, constantly bring the topic back to their own interests, and rarely ask questions about anyone else.
3. Manipulative behavior
Grandiose narcissists can be manipulative in order to get what they want, regardless of how it affects other people. They may use guilt-tripping tactics, threaten others with consequences if they don’t comply, or try to control every situation so that they come out on top.
4. Entitlement issues
Grandiose narcissists believe that they are entitled to certain privileges because of their perceived superiority over others. They may expect preferential treatment from colleagues or friends, demand expensive gifts without regard for the cost, or think that rules don’t apply to them because of their self-importance.
5. Overconfidence
Grandiose narcissists often overestimate their abilities and will regularly take on tasks well beyond their experience level due to their inflated sense of self-worth and grandiosity.
This type of overconfidence can lead them into difficult situations where they have bitten off more than they can chew and eventually become overwhelmed with the sheer magnitude of the task at hand.
6. Impulsivity
Grandiose narcissists tend to act without thinking due to their frequent lack of consideration for other people or consequences of their actions; this impulsivity can lead them into dangerous scenarios such as gambling away large sums of money or taking part in reckless activities without regard for safety concerns.
7. Aggressive tendencies
Grandiose narcissists may become easily frustrated when something doesn’t go the way they want it to and lash out aggressively at those around them as a result — whether verbally, mentally, or even physically — in an attempt to reassert control over the situation.
8. Narcissistic rage
If challenged by someone close in proximity — such as a family member or colleague — a grandiose narcissist may respond with narcissistic rage — a term used describe extreme anger stemming from frustration due to feeling insulted by someone else’s words or actions which target the narcissistic individual’s ego directly; this rage is often disproportionate in relation to what initiated it initially but is nonetheless intensely felt by the person displaying it nonetheless since ego injury is involved in its genesis
9. Unreliable behavior
Grandiose narcissists are notorious for being unreliable since everything revolves around themselves and meeting other peoples’ needs often comes secondary in importance.
Thus promises made towards loved ones such as family members and friends alike may be quickly forgotten once something arises which captures attention instead — leading those relying upon these individuals feeling confused at best whilst hurt/betrayed at worse
10. Inability (or unwillingness) To Take Responsibility For Actions
Grandiose narcissists struggle with introspection, failing — perhaps deliberately -to look within themselves when things go wrong instead preferring instead to place blame upon somebody else; conversely if success arrives then all credit for such must necessarily be taken despite any input provided by others
Examples of Grandiose Narcissists
Here are some examples of grandiose narcissists:
- Donald Trump – The former US President has been widely regarded as a grandiose narcissist due to his inflated sense of self-importance, need for admiration, and lack of empathy towards others.
2. Kanye West – The rapper and fashion designer has exhibited grandiose narcissistic traits in his public persona, such as claiming to be the “greatest artist of all time” and having an obsession with fame and wealth.
3. Elon Musk – The billionaire entrepreneur has been described as a grandiose narcissist due to his grandiose ambitions, tendency to take credit for others’ work, and disregard for criticism or feedback.
While these individuals may have achieved great success in their respective fields, their narcissistic tendencies can also lead to negative consequences for themselves and those around them.
Can a Grandiose Narcissist Love?

While grandiose narcissists may be capable of experiencing feelings of love, they often struggle with forming deep and meaningful connections with others.
They may have a tendency to view others as objects to be used for their own gratification rather than as individuals with their own needs and desires.
Grandiose narcissists may also struggle with empathy, which can make it difficult for them to truly connect with others on an emotional level.
Grandiose Narcissism in Relationships
Grandiose narcissism can have a significant impact on relationships, both personal and professional. In personal relationships, grandiose narcissists may struggle to form deep and meaningful connections with others.
They may be more focused on their own needs and desires, rather than the needs of their partner. They may also have a tendency to manipulate or exploit their partner to get what they want.
Grandiose narcissists may also struggle with empathy, which can make it difficult for them to truly understand and connect with their partner’s emotions and needs.
In professional relationships, grandiose narcissists may struggle to work collaboratively with others. They may be more focused on their own goals and desires, rather than the goals of the team or organization. They may also have a tendency to dominate or control others in the workplace, which can create tension and conflict.
Are grandiose narcissists insecure?
Although it may seem contradictory, grandiose narcissists can actually be quite insecure underneath their confident and self-aggrandizing exterior. In fact, research suggests that grandiose narcissists often use their grandiosity and sense of superiority as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and vulnerability.
Grandiose narcissists may feel insecure about their own worth and may use their grandiosity to compensate for these feelings of insecurity. They may also be hypersensitive to criticism or rejection, as these experiences can threaten their sense of self-worth and reinforce their feelings of insecurity.
In addition, they may struggle with feelings of emptiness or a lack of meaning in their lives, leading them to seek out validation and attention from others.
Are grandiose narcissists happy?
While grandiose narcissists may appear to be happy and confident on the surface, their happiness is often superficial and fleeting. In reality, grandiose narcissists may struggle with deep feelings of emptiness, insecurity, and dissatisfaction with their lives.
Grandiose narcissists may derive temporary happiness from achieving success or receiving admiration and attention from others.
However, this happiness is often short-lived, as they quickly become bored or unsatisfied and seek out new sources of validation and excitement.
Are grandiose narcissists dangerous?
Grandiose narcissists can be dangerous, particularly if they have the power and opportunity to act on their narcissistic tendencies. Their lack of empathy and preoccupation with their own needs and desires can lead them to exploit and harm others without remorse.
Some potential dangers of grandiose narcissists include:
A. Emotional abuse
Grandiose narcissists may use emotional manipulation and control tactics to exert power over their partners or others in their lives. This can include gaslighting, belittling, and isolating their victims.
B. Physical abuse
In some cases, grandiose narcissists may resort to physical violence to exert control over their partners or others. This can include hitting, pushing, or other forms of physical aggression.
C. Financial exploitation
Grandiose narcissists may exploit others financially, using their power and influence to manipulate or take advantage of others for personal gain.
D. Workplace bullying
Grandiose narcissists may engage in workplace bullying or other forms of harassment to maintain control and power over their colleagues or subordinates.
Recklessness: Grandiose narcissists may engage in reckless or impulsive behavior that puts others at risk, such as driving under the influence or engaging in risky sexual behavior.
Guide to Dealing with Grandiose Narcissists
Dealing with a grandiose narcissist can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to improve the situation.
A. Understand What You’re Dealing With
It’s important to understand that grandiose narcissism is a personality disorder, meaning it’s deeply ingrained in a person’s behavior and thinking.
They may not realize they are behaving inappropriately or disrespectfully because they truly believe they are entitled to special treatment or have extraordinary talents.
B. Set Clear Boundaries
Grandiose narcissists often push boundaries, so it’s important to set firm but fair limits on what you’ll tolerate from them.
Explain your expectations in clear language and be prepared to enforce consequences if those boundaries are crossed.
C. Don’t Feed Into Their Inflated Ego
Grandiose narcissists need constant positive reinforcement of their superiority, but providing them with excessive compliments or catering to their every whim will only fuel their entitlement and further encourage inappropriate behaviors.
Instead, focus on genuine accomplishments and praise them for things they actually do well (within reason).
D. Challenge Their Distorted Thinking
Grandiose narcissists tend to engage in all-or-nothing thinking; everything must be black-or-white for them without any shades of gray in between.
Try not to get caught up in the argumentative nature of these conversations; instead address the distorted thinking directly by pointing out possible alternatives or other considerations that contradict their initial statement(s).
E. Stay Calm & Composed
It can be difficult not to take things personally when dealing with someone exhibiting grandiose narcissistic traits, but try your best not to become defensive or angry — this will only escalate the situation further as they thrive off drama and chaos.
Take time out if needed until you’re confident that you can remain composed while interacting with them again and remind yourself that this behavior is due to underlying causes beyond your control rather than something personal against you specifically.
F . Seek Professional Help
If the above strategies aren’t helping or the problem becomes too overwhelming then it’s probably best to seek professional help from a qualified mental health specialist who can offer unbiased advice about how best to handle this situation going forward without compromising your own wellbeing in the process.
Last words
In conclusion, dealing with a grandiose narcissist can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience. However, recognizing the signs and understanding how to handle their behavior can help you maintain your own sense of self-worth and protect your well-being.
Remember that it’s essential to set boundaries, communicate clearly, and seek support from trusted friends, family members, or a mental health professional. By doing so, you can maintain your own sense of self-worth and protect yourself from the toxic effects of a grandiose narcissist.