21 Vulnerable Narcissist Traits

21 Vulnerable Narcissist Traits

In thе complеx tapеstry of human bеhavior, vulnеrablе narcissism еmеrgеs as a distinct and oftеn misundеrstood facеt of Narcissistic Pеrsonality Disordеr (NPD). This blog post dеlvеs into 21 vulnerable narcissist traits, aiming to dеfinе its charactеristics and undеrscorе thе importancе of rеcognizing thеsе traits for hеalthiеr intеrpеrsonal dynamics. A. Dеfinition of Vulnеrablе Narcissism Vulnеrablе narcissism … Read more

Narcissism Glossary:Key Terms and Concepts Explained

Narcissism Glossary

Welcome to the Narcissism Glossary, a comprehensive guide to the terminology and concepts associated with Narcissism, narcissistic personality disorder and narcissistic abuse. Narcissism is a personality disorder that is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a desire for admiration and attention from others. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder often … Read more

Do Narcissists Know That They Are Narcissist?

Do Narcissists know that thhey are narcissists

Imagine a world where someone is so self-absorbed and self-obsessed that they believe they are above everyone else. They constantly seek admiration, lack empathy, and manipulate others to get what they want. But do they even realize they are behaving this way? Do narcissists know that they are narcissist?  One question that often arises when … Read more

Understanding the Link between Codependency and Narcissism

Codependency and narcissism are two terms that have been used quite frequently in recent years to describe different patterns of behavior in relationships. Codependency is a term that was originally used to describe the behavior of individuals who were in relationships with alcoholics or drug addicts. Over time, the term has been expanded to include … Read more

What Is a Sexual Narcissist? Sexual Relationship Explained

What Is a Sexual Narcissist? Sexual Relationship Explained

Did you hear about Sexual Narcissist? Who are they? What signs sexual narcissists present? Which things can turn on a narcissist sexually? How narcissists use sex against partners? Are narcissists extremely sexual? I will try to answer these question in this blog post about sexual narcissists. What is a sexual narcissist? A sexual narcissist is … Read more

Difference Between Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Difference Between Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

There is a lot of confusion surrounding the terms “ Narcissism” and “Narcissistic Personality Disorder”. Some people use Narcissism to describe anyone who is vain or self-centred, while others use it to refer to a mental illness called narcissistic personality disorder. So, what’s the difference? In this article, I will explore the definition of Narcissism … Read more

12 Most Common Traits of Narcissists

12 Most Common Traits of Narcissists

Relationships can be draining whe­n feelings and nee­ds take a backseat. Imagine tie­s with those whose self-importance­ overshadows all else. The­se mark narcissists in your life. Subtle ye­t impactful, narcissistic traits leave emotional turmoil. Our blog “12 most common traits of narcissists” unveils narcissists’ comple­x behaviors. From lacking empathy to nee­ding special treatment, we­ explore … Read more