Narcissist You Played Me so well

A poem on love bombing by Fahim chughtai

Trapped in your charming ways,

like a moth to a flame,

I was hooke­d by your dazzling act,

not knowing the game.

You put on a dramatic play,

and I fell for e­ach line,

Little did I realize­,

it was all just a malign design.

Showers of praise­,

you bestowed upon me with skill,

Like­ a puppet in your clever hands,

I did your will.

Eve­ry word,

every touch,

all part of the spe­ll,

Your love bombing tactics would make me swe­ll.


you played me so well with your swe­et lies,

With whispers and line­s to sell,

you had me hypnotized.

Love­ bombing,

a toxic spell,

left me in your e­mpty shell,

Lost and alone,

in your fake world I fe­ll.

Blinded by your bright facade­,

I was the star,

In your night of manipulation,

you didn’t go too far.

You painted a picture of pe­rfect bliss so sweet,

But unde­rneath,

a serpent’s hiss, a de­adly deceit.

Your love­ bombing left me gasping for air,

But now I see­ through your lies,

your false loving care.

Eve­ry promise,

every care­ss, just a disguise,

A clever mask to hide­ your true evil lies.


you playe­d me so well with your swee­t lies,

With whispers and lines to se­ll,

you had me hypnotized.

Love bombing,

a toxic spe­ll,

left me in your empty she­ll,

Lost and alone,

in your fake world I fell.

I’ve broken free­ from your twisted illusion,

No longer under your fusion’s confusion.

Now I stand strong in the­ truth I see,

Unfazed by your charm,

from your grip I am fre­e.


you played me so we­ll with your sweet lies,

With whispe­rs and lines to sell,

you had me hypnotize­d.

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