Emotional Abuse In Relationships Quiz (10 Questions)

Welcome to the Emotional Abuse in Relationships Quiz. Emotional abuse can be subtle and insidious, leaving lasting effects on your mental and emotional well-being. This quiz is designed to help you assess the presence of emotional abuse in your relationship by asking 10 important questions.

Answer honestly, and at the end, you’ll receive a score that can provide insight into the health of your relationship. Remember, this quiz is not a diagnostic tool and seeking professional help is always encouraged if you have concerns about emotional abuse in your relationship.

Why you should take this Emotional Abuse in Relationships Quiz?

Taking this Emotional Abuse in Relationships Quiz can provide you with valuable insight into the dynamics of your relationship. It can help you identify potential warning signs or red flags of emotional abuse that may be present in your relationship, which can empower you to take necessary steps to address the issue.

By answering the quiz questions honestly, you can gain a better understanding of the health of your relationship and make informed decisions about seeking support or taking action to protect your emotional well-being. Remember, it’s important to prioritize your mental and emotional health in any relationship. Benefits of taking this emotional abuse in relationships quiz are following:

  • Raises awareness about emotional abuse in relationships
  • Helps individuals assess the dynamics of their own relationships
  • Identifies potential warning signs or red flags of emotional abuse
  • Empowers individuals to take necessary steps to address the issue
  • Provides insight into the health of the relationship
  • Promotes self-reflection and awareness
  • Encourages seeking support from trusted sources
  • Supports informed decision-making about the relationship
  • Validates concerns and experiences of emotional abuse
  • Promotes prioritization of mental and emotional well-being.

Emotional Abuse in relationships Quiz Questions

Here are 10 Emotional Abuse in relationships Quiz questions:

1.How does your partner typically respond when you express a different opinion or have a disagreement?

A. Listens respectfully and values your perspective

B. Gets defensive or dismissive, but eventually listens 

C. Invalidates or ignores your opinion 

D. Verbally attacks, insults, or intimidates you 

2. How often does your partner make negative comments about your appearance, intelligence, abilities, or worth as a person?

A. Rarely or never 

B. Occasionally, but usually in a joking or teasing manner 

C. Frequently, causing self-doubt or insecurity 

D. Constantly or in a derogatory manner, making you feel worthless or ashamed 

3. How does your partner react when you set boundaries or express a need for personal space?

A. Respects your boundaries and supports your autonomy 

B. Expresses mild discomfort or resistance, but eventually accepts your boundaries 

C. Ignores or violates your boundaries, making you feel guilty or selfish 

D. Becomes angry, resentful, or punishing when you set boundaries 

4. How often does your partner blame you for their own mistakes, shortcomings, or failures?

A. Rarely or never 

B. Occasionally, but usually takes responsibility eventually

C. Frequently, making you feel guilty or responsible for their actions

 D. Always or consistently shifts blame onto you, causing you to feel burdened or at fault 

5. How does your partner respond when you express your emotions, such as sadness, anger, or fear?

A. Supports and validates your emotions 

B. Occasionally dismisses or minimizes your emotions, but generally supportive 

C. Invalidates or ridicules your emotions, making you feel overly sensitive or irrational 

D. Mocks, belittles, or punishes you for expressing emotions (-2 points)

6. How does your partner behave towards you in front of others, such as friends, family, or acquaintances?

A. Treats you with respect and kindness, both in private and in public

 B. Occasionally makes derogatory comments or jokes about you in front of others 

C. Embarrasses, humiliates, or criticizes you in front of others, causing shame or discomfort 

D. Publicly humiliates or belittles you, making you feel powerless or humiliated 

7. How does your partner handle disagreements or conflicts with anger or frustration?

A. Communicates assertively, without resorting to anger or aggression

 B. Occasionally gets angry or frustrated, but ultimately seeks resolution 

C. Becomes verbally aggressive, uses insults, or threatens you during conflicts 

D. Uses physical violence, threats of harm, or intimidation to resolve conflicts 

8. How often does your partner try to control or monitor your actions, decisions, or whereabouts?

A. Rarely or never 

B. Occasionally, but usually out of concern or care 

C. Frequently tries to control or manipulate you, disregarding your autonomy or choices 

D. Constantly monitors, restricts, or dictates your actions or decisions, making you feel trapped or helpless 

9. How does your partner react when you achieve success, recognition, or praise?

A. Celebrates and supports your achievements

B. Shows mild jealousy or insecurity, but ultimately supportive 

C. Belittles, dismisses, or undermines your achievements, causing you to doubt yourself 

D. Minimizes or devalues your achievements, expresses resentment or hostility, or tries to sabotage your success 

10. How does your partner handle conflicts or disagreements with you after an argument or disagreement has ended?

A. Shows willingness to resolve the issue and move forward in a healthy manner 

B. Holds onto grudges or resentments, but eventually seeks resolution 

C. Uses passive-aggressive behavior, guilt trips, or silent treatment to punish or manipulate you 

D. Engages in prolonged emotional or verbal abuse, refuses to let go of the conflict, or escalates to further abuse 

Last words

In conclusion, this emotional abuse in relationships quiz serves as a tool to raise awareness about emotional abuse in relationships and encourage individuals to assess the dynamics of their own relationships.

It’s important to recognize and address any potential signs of emotional abuse early on to protect your well-being and seek support if needed. Remember that you deserve to be in a healthy and respectful relationship, and taking this emotional abuse in relationships quiz can be a step towards gaining clarity and taking necessary actions for your emotional health.

If you have concerns about emotional abuse, don’t hesitate to reach out to trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals for support.

Start taking emotional abuse in relationships quiz



emotional abuse in relationships quiz

Emotional Abuse In relationships Quiz

This quiz is designed to help you assess the presence of emotional abuse in your relationship through 10 questions. Your answers will be scored, and the total points will provide an indication of whether your relationship appears healthy, has warning signs, or may have significant red flags of emotional abuse.

Introduce yourself before taking the quiz

1 / 10

1. How does your partner respond when you express your emotions, such as sadness, anger, or fear?

2 / 10

2. How often does your partner blame you for their own mistakes, shortcomings, or failures?

3 / 10

3. How does your partner react when you set boundaries or express a need for personal space?

4 / 10

4. How often does your partner make negative comments about your appearance, intelligence, abilities, or worth as a person?

5 / 10

5. How does your partner typically respond when you express a different opinion or have a disagreement?

6 / 10

6. How does your partner handle conflicts or disagreements with you after an argument or disagreement has ended?

7 / 10

7. How does your partner react when you achieve success, recognition, or praise?

8 / 10

8. How often does your partner try to control or monitor your actions, decisions, or whereabouts?

9 / 10

9. How does your partner handle disagreements or conflicts with anger or frustration?

10 / 10

10. How does your partner behave towards you in front of others, such as friends, family, or acquaintances?

Your Result is Processing

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