Our carefully designed Am I Dating a Narcissist quiz serves as a tool to help you identify potential red flags in your relationship. This blog post will delve into the details of this quiz, explaining its purpose, structure, and how it can aid you in understanding your relationship dynamics better. So, let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery and relationship insights.
Ever feel like your partner:
- Showered you with affection at first, then turned cold?
- Talks endlessly about themselves but ignores your interests?
- Flies off the handle when criticized, but never takes responsibility?
- Makes you question your own memories and feelings?
If so, you might be dating a narcissist.
Narcissistic relationships can be confusing, draining, and even damaging. But knowing the signs early can empower you to make informed decisions about your well-being.
Our Am I Dating a Narcissist quiz will help you identify potential red flags in your relationship.
With just 10 quick questions, you’ll gain insights into:
- Your partner’s behavior: Do they exhibit typical narcissistic traits like grandiosity, lack of empathy, and manipulation?
- The health of your relationship: Are you feeling controlled, isolated, or emotionally depleted?
- Your next steps: If your score indicates signs of narcissism, you’ll receive valuable resources and information about seeking professional support.
This quiz is:
- Free and confidential: Your answers are completely anonymous.
- Informative and insightful: Based on expert research and clinical experience.
- Empowering: Knowledge is power! Take control of your relationship and prioritize your well-being.
Ready to face the truth? Take the quiz now!
10 Questions of Am I Dating Narcissist Quiz
Disclaimer: This quiz is intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as a diagnosis. If you are concerned about your relationship, please seek professional help.
Instructions: Read each statement carefully and answer honestly. Choose the answer that most accurately reflects your experience in your current relationship. Keep track of your score as you go.
1. Does your partner constantly shower you with affection and compliments in the beginning, followed by periods of withdrawal or coldness?
A. Never (0 points) B. Rarely (1 point) C. Sometimes (2 points) D. Often (3 points) E. Always (4 points)
2. Does your partner seem more interested in themselves and their achievements than in you and your interests?
A. Never (0 points) B. Rarely (1 point) C. Sometimes (2 points) D. Often (3 points) E. Always (4 points)
3. Does your partner get easily offended or angry when you disagree with them or offer constructive criticism?
A. Never (0 points) B. Rarely (1 point) C. Sometimes (2 points) D. Often (3 points) E. Always (4 points)
4. Do you feel like you can’t be yourself around your partner without fear of judgment or criticism?
A. Never (0 points) B. Rarely (1 point) C. Sometimes (2 points) D. Often (3 points) E. Always (4 points)
5. Does your partner take responsibility for their mistakes or do they tend to blame others?
A. Always takes responsibility (0 points) B. Usually takes responsibility (1 point) C. Sometimes takes responsibility (2 points) D. Rarely takes responsibility (3 points) E. Never takes responsibility (4 points)
6. Do you feel like your conversations are often one-sided, with your partner dominating the discussion?
A. Never (0 points) B. Rarely (1 point) C. Sometimes (2 points) D. Often (3 points) E. Always (4 points)
7. Does your partner make you feel guilty or obligated to do things you don’t want to do?
A. Never (0 points) B. Rarely (1 point) C. Sometimes (2 points) D. Often (3 points) E. Always (4 points)
8. Do you feel isolated from friends and family since being in this relationship?
A. Never (0 points) B. Rarely (1 point) C. Sometimes (2 points) D. Often (3 points) E. Always (4 points)
9. Do you question your own memories or perceptions of reality in this relationship?
A. Never (0 points) B. Rarely (1 point) C. Sometimes (2 points) D. Often (3 points) E. Always (4 points)
10. Do you feel drained or emotionally exhausted after spending time with your partner?
A. Never (0 points) B. Rarely (1 point) C. Sometimes (2 points) D. Often (3 points) E. Always (4 points)
Scores of Am I Dating a Narcissist QUiz
0–8 points: Your relationship seems healthy and balanced.
9–15 points: Your partner might exhibit some narcissistic tendencies, but they may not significantly impact your well-being. However, if any behaviors concern you, consider open communication or seeking advice from a trusted friend or counselor.
16–22 points: Your partner displays several characteristics of narcissism. This could indicate an unhealthy relationship dynamic. Prioritize your emotional well-being and consider professional guidance to understand and navigate the situation.
23–30 points: There is a high likelihood you are in a relationship with a narcissist. This can be emotionally and mentally detrimental. Seeking professional help and utilizing support resources is crucial to protect yourself and navigate the path forward.
Why take this dating a narcissist Quiz
Taking the “Am I Dating a Narcissist?” quiz can offer several benefits. It’s a free, confidential, and informative tool that can provide insight into your relationship dynamics. More importantly, it can empower you to make decisions that prioritize your emotional well-being.