A narcissist man is someone who has an excessive sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. This personality disorder, known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), affects 1% of the population and can be challenging to deal with. In this post, we will explore the 10 characteristics of a narcissist man and provide examples of how they manifest in daily life.
Additionally, we will discuss how these characteristics of narcissist man can impact relationships and mental health, as well as provide coping strategies for dealing with a narcissistic man.
There are various types of narcissistic men, including the grandiose narcissist, the vulnerable narcissist, and the communal narcissist. The grandiose narcissist is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.
The vulnerable narcissist is characterized by a sense of inadequacy, hypersensitivity to criticism, and a lack of empathy.
The communal narcissist is characterized by a need for admiration, a sense of entitlement, and a tendency to use others to meet their own needs.
People with NPD can be difficult to interact with because of their self-centeredness, lack of empathy, and grandiose sense of self-importance. It’s important to note that not all men who exhibit these traits have NPD, but these characteristics can make it difficult to maintain healthy relationships with them.
Characteristics of a narcissist man

Here are 10 characteristics of a narcissist man:
1. Grandiose sense of self-importance
A narcissistic man often exaggerates his accomplishments and talents, believing he is superior to others. He may even demand special treatment or admiration from those around him.
Example: A man who constantly talks about his high-paying job and expensive possessions, expecting others to be impressed and envious.
2. Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
A narcissistic man may fantasize about achieving great things or having the perfect relationship. He may become obsessed with these fantasies and make unrealistic demands on his partner or others to fulfill them.
Example: A man who dreams of becoming a famous musician or actor and expects his partner to fully support him financially and emotionally.
3. Belief that they are special and unique
A narcissistic man may believe that he is inherently better than others and deserves special treatment. He may expect others to recognize his superiority and feel resentful when they don’t.
Example: A man who believes that he is smarter, more attractive, and more successful than anyone else and demands to be treated accordingly.
4. Require excessive admiration
A narcissistic man craves constant attention, praise, and admiration. He may become angry or sullen if he feels he is not getting enough attention or if others do not recognize his achievements.
Example: A man who constantly brags about his accomplishments and becomes angry if others do not show enough interest or admiration.
5. Sense of entitlement
A narcissistic man often feels entitled to special treatment and privileges. He may become angry or indignant if he feels he is not getting what he deserves.
Example: A man who expects his partner to wait on him hand and foot and becomes angry if she does not comply.
6. Lack of empathy
A narcissistic man often lacks the ability to empathize with others and understand their feelings. He may disregard the needs and feelings of others and be unable to put himself in their shoes.
Example: A man who ignores his partner’s feelings and needs, dismissing them as unimportant or irrelevant.
7. Envious of others or believe others are envious of them
A narcissistic man may feel jealous of others who he perceives as being more successful, attractive, or accomplished than himself. He may also believe that others are envious of him and seek to undermine him.
Example: A man who becomes angry or resentful when someone else receives praise or recognition, believing that he deserves it more.
8. Arrogant behavior and attitudes
A narcissistic man may display a haughty, superior attitude towards others, belittling or dismissing their opinions and feelings.
Example: A man who talks down to others, belittles their opinions, and dismisses their feelings as unimportant.
9. Tendency to exploit others
A narcissistic man may use others to further his own interests or gain power over them. He may manipulate or deceive others to get what he wants.
Example: A man who uses his charm and charisma to manipulate others into doing things for him, even if it is not in their best interests.
10. Difficulty handling criticism
A narcissistic man may become defensive or angry when criticized, even if the criticism is constructive or well-intentioned. He may see criticism as a personal attack on his character or abilities.
Example: A man who becomes angry and defensive when his partner suggests that he could be more considerate of her feelings.
How to deal with a narcissist man?
Dealing with a narcissist man can be a challenging and draining experience, but there are some strategies that can be helpful in managing the situation. Here are some tips for dealing with a narcissistic man:
1. Recognize and acknowledge their behavior
It’s important to recognize the behavior of a narcissistic man and acknowledge it. Try not to engage in arguments or confrontation as this may lead to more conflict. Instead, stay calm and assertive and communicate your needs and boundaries clearly.
2. Set boundaries and stick to them
It’s important to set clear boundaries and expectations for your relationship with a narcissistic man. Make sure you communicate your boundaries firmly and consistently, and hold them accountable for respecting your boundaries.
3. Don’t feed their ego or enable their behavior
Avoid giving them excessive praise or admiration as this will only reinforce their narcissistic behavior. It’s important to avoid enabling their behavior by not giving in to their demands or allowing them to manipulate you.
4. Seek professional help if necessary
If you’re struggling to cope with a narcissistic man, seeking professional help can be beneficial. Therapy can help you understand their behavior and develop coping strategies to deal with them effectively.
5. Be prepared to walk away from toxic relationships
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, it may not be possible to maintain a healthy relationship with a narcissistic man. In these situations, it’s important to prioritize your own mental health and well-being and be prepared to walk away from toxic relationships.
In conclusion, dealing with a narcissistic man can be challenging, but it’s important to recognize their behavior, set boundaries, avoid enabling their behavior, seek professional help if necessary, and be prepared to walk away from toxic relationships.
Final Thoughts
A narcissistic man is someone who exhibits a pattern of grandiosity, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration. They have an inflated sense of self-importance and often believe they are special or unique. This type of behavior can have a significant impact on relationships and mental health.
The 10 characteristics of a narcissist man are: grandiose sense of self-importance, preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love, belief that they are special and unique, require excessive admiration, sense of entitlement, lack of empathy, envious of others or believe others are envious of them, arrogant behavior and attitudes, tendency to exploit others, and difficulty handling criticism.
It’s important to identify and deal with a narcissistic man to maintain healthy relationships and protect your own well-being. Coping strategies include recognizing and acknowledging their behavior, setting boundaries, not feeding their ego, seeking professional help if necessary, and being prepared to walk away from toxic relationships.
In conclusion, dealing with a narcissistic man can be challenging, but with the right strategies and support, it’s possible to manage the situation effectively and maintain your mental health and well-being.